Councils are being asked to go into partnerships over seven new hotels being proposed for Norfolk.

Travelodge last month announced hopes to build new outlets in Norwich, Great Yarmouth, Norwich, Dereham, Diss, Hunstanton, Swaffham and Cromer or Fakenham.

It said it had written to councils proposing "a joint development partnership" which could create 170 jobs and help to boost regeneration.

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Now it has emerged that the partnership means councils investing in the new-builds.

Travevlodge operates 600 outlets, including three in Norwich and branches in Thetford, Great Yarmouth, Lowestoft and Acle.

It opened six new hotels last year, three of which were in partnerships with councils.

It said: "Some of the new Travelodge hotels in this programme have been built on surplus local authority land, with the funding provided either through the local authority’s internal resource or via low-cost funding from the Public Works Loan Board or third party resources.

"Upon completion of the hotel development, local authorities have the choice of either retaining ownership of the hotel and receiving an annual rent into the council’s revenue budget or selling the hotel with Travelodge as its operator."

It is also offering so-called income-strip deals, where the council leases the building and then sub-lets to Travelodge for a higher rent than it is paying for the lease.

Travelodge said it had contacted Norfolk County Council, Great Yarmouth Borough Council, Norfolk Norfolk council and Hunstanton, Diss, Swaffham and Dereham town councils.

The firm has written to 220 councils across the country with its proposals.

Hunstanton Town Council has included the letter on the agenda for its finance committee, which meets on April 12.