Highways bosses have revealed further details of the start of the long-delayed work to dual two sections of the A47 in Norfolk.

Signs recently appeared on the A47 between North Burlingham and Blofield and from Easton to North Tuddenham, announcing the beginning of dualling work to last until 2027.

What work is being done between Easton and North Tuddenham?

On the five-and-a-half mile stretch between Easton and North Tuddenham, work, costing up to £250m, began on August 19.

A 30mph limit is in place between the Mattishall roundabout and Taverham Road as work is done to improve drainage.

A 30mph limit is in place on a stretch of the A47 near HoninghamA 30mph limit is in place on a stretch of the A47 near Honingham (Image: Dan Grimmer)

National Highways, the company responsible for doing the work on behalf of the government, revealed further details about what is happening.

The organisation said: "This includes preparing the concrete foundations and posts upon which our structures will be built, including the new underpasses at both the Wood Lane junction and Norwich Road junction and the new River Tud crossing.

Work has started to dual the A47 between North Tuddenham and EastonWork has started to dual the A47 between North Tuddenham and Easton (Image: Dan Grimmer)

"We are also currently constructing drainage basins for the collection of water for use on site. Eventually, these will be incorporated into the drainage scheme for the new road.

"We have continued diverting utility services, completed archaeology works and finished our compound construction."

An 18th century brick kiln was discovered during excavations on the Easton to North Tuddenham stretch of the A47An 18th century brick kiln was discovered during excavations on the Easton to North Tuddenham stretch of the A47 (Image: National Highways)

Archaeological excavations revealed an 18th century brick kiln, while a spear tip dating to the Iron Age was also uncovered.

An Iron Age spear tip was found during archaeological work ahead of dualling the A47 in NorfolkAn Iron Age spear tip was found during archaeological work ahead of dualling the A47 in Norfolk (Image: National Highways)

The organisation said: "With careful planning and environmental licences, we are now able to begin some vegetation clearance to enable further construction work.

"This means there has been a large increase in our activity along the whole scheme corridor and this will now continue right through our full construction period.

"We’d like to apologise for any inconvenience caused by our work, and we will try to keep this to a minimum where possible."

What work is being done between North Burlingham and Blofield?

Signs on the A47 announcing the start of dualling work between North Burlingham and BlofieldSigns on the A47 announcing the start of dualling work between North Burlingham and Blofield (Image: Fiona Bennett)

Signs on the A47 announced the start of dualling on 1.5 miles between North Burlingham and Blofield, costing up to £100m.

A site office and compound has been built to manage the upcoming work.

A site office and compound has been built close to North BurlinghamA site office and compound has been built close to North Burlingham (Image: Mike Page)

Imminent work includes overnight road closures to complete re-routing of utilities pipes.

From Monday, September 2 to Friday, September 20, the road will be closed overnight from Cucumber Lane to the Acle roundabout, with diversions in place.

On Wednesday, September 4, the B1140 South Walsham Road will be shut at its junction with the A47 Yarmouth Road.

The closure will remain in place until 6am on Saturday, September 21, with traffic diverted.

What about at Thickthorn?

As well as the dualling schemes, work is also due to be done at the Thickthorn junction, near Hethersett, on the edge of Norwich.

The Thickthorn roundaboutThe Thickthorn roundabout (Image: Mike Page)

That includes a new slip road off the A11 northbound, to take motorists beneath both roads before re-joining traffic on the A47 heading towards Great Yarmouth - eliminating the need to use the Thickthorn roundabout.

The changes would also see a segregated left-hand turn for those travelling eastbound on the A47, a new footbridge and a fourth lane on the southern part of the junction.

But, last summer, it was confirmed Galliford Try, due to do the work, would not be continuing with the scheme, leaving National Highways looking for a new contractor.

There has been no update on when work will now start.

Why has it taken so long for the work to start?

The dualling projects were first announced in 2014 by then prime minister David Cameron.

But a legal challenge by eco-campaigner Dr Andrew Boswell meant National Highways was limited to preparatory work.

Dr Andrew Boswell challenged the legality of the A47 schemesDr Andrew Boswell challenged the legality of the A47 schemes (Image: Dan Grimmer)

Dr Boswell argued the government acted unlawfully in allowing the road schemes, because their cumulative impact on the environment had not been properly considered.

But the High Court and the Court of Appeal rejected his claim and his legal avenues were exhausted when the UK Supreme Court turned down his application in May - allowing the A47 work to begin in earnest.