A major re-development at a rural industrial estate has been approved by councillors, despite concerns from residents about noise, traffic and a loss of privacy. 

Breckland Council’s planning committee voted on Tuesday, January 17, in favour of the project at Griston, near Watton, which will see the demolition of some parts of the Coughtrey Industrial Estate while extending other buildings on the site.

Some 92 letters were submitted to the authority by local people - with only three of those being in support of the scheme. 

John Heath from the Griston Community Group said the project had the potential to “totally destroy this Brecks village”, while local Conservative councillor Philip Cowen said the footpath along Church Road was “woefully inadequate” for the number of people already using it.

Watton & Swaffham Times: Conservative district councillor Philip CowenConservative district councillor Philip Cowen (Image: Breckland Council)

The applicant was Attleborough-based Eastern Attachments Ltd - with one of its co-directors being mayor of Attleborough Phil Leslie. 

Mr Leslie said his business, which produces agricultural and construction loader attachments, had had a “positive effect” in the town and they now wanted to create a “sustainable working environment” in Griston.

The committee voted eight in favour and three against the scheme.